our hosts
Here are our hosts who are helping you understand and fall in love with
Finnish baseball on 4th of August.

mikko pirhonen
I started to play pesäpallo at the age of six and went through the leagues all the way up to Superpesis. I've been a game manager in Ykköspesis and women's Superpesis, but currently I ply my trade as a coach for Puna-Mustat and as a lead analyst for pesäpallo for Veikkaus. For me, the beauty of this game is in its tacticality and the explosiveness that it requires. I've also coached pesäpallo in Nepal, Bangladesh and India.​
Red or black: Red. That's the color that I wore as a player coming through the leagues
Favorite food to eat while watching pesäpallo: Berries and ice cream! Those and pesäpallo are an essential part of my summer
You didn't know this about me: I have composed the team song for my hometown club Joensuun Maila, they still play it in every game when the players enter the stadium!

Iain Alba
I am a huge sports fan. Originally with a cricket background, I started to watch baseball and explored different leagues around the world (in particular Japan). One day I stumbled across a version of baseball in Finland and was intrigued. I tried to find out more about it, but in 2007 there was not a lot of information online. In 2019 I decided that this sport was too good not to share, so I started a blog in English. In 2020 the blog led to me starting the world’s first English language podcast on Pesäpallo with Mikko. With more than 50 episodes recorded and dozens of interviews with some of the leagues biggest names, I have become ‘the voice’ of pesäpallo in English.​​​
Red or black: it’s got to be black for me. It’s such a dynamic look.
Favourite hit: the bouncing hit. When you get a really good hitter that can slam the ball in exactly the right spot, there is no way the defence can stop the runner from advancing.
Favorite food to eat while watching pesäpallo: a plate of loaded fries and a game on the big screen! Who could ask for more… maybe some hot sauce?

Tony Jones
I've grown up with baseball and have been involved with it actively since the age of 8 as a scorer and soon after I started umpiring. I've been involved with the Finnish Baseball and Softball Federation since 1997 as a player, coach, national team coach and federation president. Currently my focus is on baseball umpire development in Europe and promoting the exciting new game of Baseball5 and it's game officials.
Red or black: Black
Favorite food to eat while watching pesäpallo: Chicken tenders
You didn't know this about me: I got 2 hits off a former MLB pitcher

sannika michelsson
Pesis has been with me since I was 12 years old and joined the local team Pesä Ysit in Lappeenranta. So I'm a true Carelian redblack, just like Puna-Mustat, which originates from pre-war city of Viipuri.
I've played pesis ever since 1989, except for two pregnancies and a few years living abroad. The game has given me friendships, experiences, feelings and memories unparallel to anything else.
I've experienced almost all 6 serie levels as a player, only missing Superpesis... and that came pretty damn close too in 2018 as can be witnessed here.
In addition to playing, I coach kids and grown-ups, manage teams and even chairwomaned Puna-Mustat for a time. I follow my two kids to their games and pesis-camps, I umpire and act as a scorekeeper. But nothing beats playing pesis, not even my age. Game on!​
fun facts
Red or black: I'm a true redblack, can't pick!
Favourite hit: The homerun
Favorite food to eat while watching pesäpallo: Pelimakkara (sausage) with mustard.

KElly williams
I grew up in a baseball family. It's what we did, what we spoke about, and what we watched. Following my career ending injury, I was off to Finland. Lucky enough to eventually run into pesis a juiced up version of baseball. I enjoy following and watching pesis for the non-stop action and athleticism.
fun facts
Red or black: Black.
Favourite hit: it’s got to be a well placed line drive that rolls out of sight.
Favorite food to eat while watching pesäpallo: As a US native, and baseball enthusiast, it is always a hot dog.